About Us
"Hagut" Institute is being established by men and women of academia and education who wish to connect the rich chain of Jewish thought, to daily educational work:
From the Bible and external literature, through 'Chazal' literature and works of other denominations to contemporary art.
From the designers of Jewish education and secularism, such as Philo, Rambam or Spinoza to Ahad-Ha'am, Leah Goldberg and Amos Oz in recent generations.

The "Hagut Institute" is in the process of being established by educators, academic researchers and people whose future of Judaism is dear to their hearts.
Let's sit together and learn, research, share and discuss the ideas that have made the Jewish people strong, vibrant and creative in the past and which can potentially take it into new, as-yet unknown spheres of the future.
For more than anything else, the Hiloni world view aspires to use the collective wisdom of the Jewish people to consider and assess the challenges of the present, rather than to simply reflect on what once was. It is this brave desire for renewal that makes Hiloni Jewishness unique, since it digs deeply and broadly into the roots of Jewish experience as it branches itself out in new and innovative ways.